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Welcome Letter

Health and Safety Mandatory Training

1. Ministry of Labour Health and Safety Mandatory Awareness Training


This is a free of charge, on-line Awareness training on the MOL (Ministry of Labor) website that takes only an hour. All employees must have this training.  At the end of this training, you get a printable Certificate of Completion.



2. Health and Safety Awareness Mandatory training for Workers and Supervisors


All employees in supervising positions (Recreational Director, Competitive Director, etc) are required to have this training.

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC):

By law companies with over 20+ employees are required to have JHSC and have at least 2 members of the committee in workplace health and safety certified.  


Here is a link with information you need when setting up a committee, as well as links to public Certification training in Ottawa.  


Our courses are held at the CTTC Building at Carleton University – Part One Certification is three-days and Part Two is a two-day course.  


To be certified under the law the companies are required two employees that completed both Step 1 and 2 Certification training.

Debbie Ramsey (Recreational Director) and Fiodor Martea (Competitive Coach) are registered for the Step 1 Training taking Place September 10, 11 and 12 at 8 am.



Harassment Policy

1. Reporting


  1. Workers are to report any workplace harassment to their supervisors Debbie Ramsey (Recreation), Lauren Mooney (Competitive), Madalina Gozu (Owner) or they may report to worker Emma Colwell (Office Admin). 

  1. If the Supervisor is the alleged harasser, or employee are unsure of which supervisor to talk to, incidents should be reported to Emma Colwell (Office Admin). An external person, Connie Groom  (Experienced Coach) will be retained to conduct a workplace harassment investigation (for example, but not limited to, when the alleged harasser is a president, owner, high-level management or senior executive).

  2. The report of the incident will include the following information:

    1. Name(s) of the complainant(s) and contact information

    2. Name of the alleged harasser(s), position and contact information (if known)

    3. Names of the witness(es) (if any) or another person (s) with relevant information to provide about the incident (if any) and contact information (if known)

    4. Details of what happened including date(s), frequency and location(s) of the alleged incident(s)

      1. Any supporting documents the worker who complains of harassment may have in his/her possession that are relevant to the complaint

      2. List any documents a witness, another person or the alleged harasser may have in their possession that are relevant to the complaint.

2. Investigation/ Handling a Complaint:

  1. The employer will ensure that an investigation appropriate in the circumstances will be conducted into complaints or incidents of workplace harassment.

  2. While the incident is being investigated, the alleged harasser and the worker who has experienced harassment will remain separated from each other. 

  3. Incident or complaint will be kept confidential in their locked file. Information obtained about an incident or complaint of workplace harassment, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless disclosure is necessary to protect workers, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action or otherwise as required by law.

  4. While the investigation is on-going, the worker who has allegedly experienced harassment, the alleged harasser(s) and any witnesses will be instructed not to discuss the complaint, incident or the investigation with other workers or witnesses unless necessary to obtain advice about their rights.

  5. A worker who has allegedly experienced harassment and the alleged harasser, if they are a worker of the employer, will be informed in writing of the results of the investigation and any corrective action that has been taken or that will be taken.

  6. An external person, Connie Groom (Experianced Coach) will be retained to conduct a workplace harassment investigation (for example, but not limited to, when the alleged harasser is a president, owner, high-level management or senior executive).


3. Record Keeping

  1. After the incident is brought to the attention of the employer (Madalina Gozu), supervisors (Debbie Ramsey or Lauren Mooney), or worker (Amanda Mullan), will gather the information on the incident. After the investigation is done a corrective action will be taken to address the complaint or incident of workplace harassment.

    1. a copy of the complaint or details about the incident;

    2. a record of the investigation including notes;

    3. copy of witness statements, if taken;

    4. a copy of the investigation report, if any;

    5. a copy of the results of the investigation that were provided to the worker who reported workplace harassment and the alleged harasser; and

    6. a copy of any corrective action taken to address the complaint or incident of workplace harassment.

  2. The documents associated with a workplace harassment complaint, incident and/or investigation must not be disclosed unless necessary to investigate an incident or complaint of workplace harassment, take corrective action or otherwise as required by law.

  3. For the OHSA purposes, records will be kept for at least one year from the conclusion of the investigation.



Employee Handbook

1. Ministry of Labour Health and Safety Mandatory Awareness Training


This is a free of charge, on-line Awareness training on the MOL (Ministry of Labor) website that takes only an hour. All employees must have this training.  At the end of this training, you get a printable Certificate of Completion.



Fair at Work Ontario

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